Group dot looking a Digital Marketing Specialist

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If you’re a tech-savvy trendsetter who has innovative ideas to improve customer experience, we would like to meet you. For this position, you should be creative and comfortable working with a team.

Location: Asadgate, Mohammadpur

Job Nature: Full-time

Office Hours: 9:00am-6:00pm

Salary: BDT 30,000-50,000 (Based on Experiences) 

Position: Digital Marketing Specialist

• Ensuring a positive and professional client service experience by managing client inquiries via phone, email, online, or in person.
• Identifying potential client services concerns and facilitating proactive intervention steps.
• Pitch planning, making proposals/presentations for clients, and execution including digital marketing, creative content, sales enablement, customer community development, campaign management, and launches.
• Ensuring and reporting performance of all digital marketing campaigns and assessing against goals (ROI and KPIs).
• Identifying new trends and insight in digital marketing, evaluating new technologies, and ensuring the brand is at the forefront of industry developments.
• Analyzing and writing appropriate content in the right direction catching up with the trend and managing clients' Social Media accounts.
• Collaborating with a cross-functional team for the final output of creative content as per client requirements.
• Sound knowledge about creating & running optimized adverts on social media like Facebook, Google ads, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
• Brainstorming new and creative growth strategies through digital marketing.
• Any other tasks are given by seniors or line managers.


• BBA/MBA/B.Sc. in Computer Science but other departments are also encouraged to apply.
• Strong speaking, writing, editing, and proofreading skills in both Bengali & English.
• Creative and forward-thinking.
• Self-motivated, ability to prioritize, multi-tasking and ability to meet deadlines.
• Excellent knowledge of MS Office (Especially in PowerPoint & Excel).
• Understanding of emerging platforms, digital media, and web/social media.
• Minimum 2+ years of experience in relevant fields.

Facilities: Two Festival bonuses & other facilities as per the company policy.

If you think you’re a good fit to take the challenge then send us your resume at with your portfolio (If you have any).
#Dotcreat #Digidot #DotArch #DotFrame #GroupDot

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Today | 27, March 2025